Want to know a quick, effective, proven method to become happier?
Start a gratitude journal.
Every day, spend 3-minutes writing down 5 things you are grateful for in your life.
This can be anything from a major life changing event, like getting a job promotion or having a baby, to the simple joys that occur everyday, like enjoying a good book or cup of tea.
Why do this?
Many people believe, & I’ve personally experienced, that when we emit positive energy (thoughts, feelings, & vibrations), we attract more positives to us.
We all know this to be true with negative energy, right? We all have those days when our life feels like a house of cards: One bad thing goes wrong, & the whole house falls over!
We focus on the negative & everything seems to crumble.
Well, the good news is that this concept applies to positive energy as well!
By spending a few minutes each day writing about what you are grateful for, you’re focusing on the positive aspects of your life & that energy will radiate outward!
For all you skeptics out there, several studies have actually shown how powerful a gratitude journal can be! Those who use them feel better about their lives & report fewer symptoms of illness. They are more positive!
So it’s pretty much a no-brainer: You must start a gratitude journal TODAY! Make it a part of your daily practice 🙂
Here’s 5 tips to get you started:
1. Pick a journal that inspires you! Choose something that speaks to you, something that makes you want to spend a few minutes writing in it every day.
2. Add some bling! Well, maybe not bling, but you could jazz it up with some of your favorite quotes, a few pictures, or – heck – some BLING! Whatever speaks to you.
3. Be consistent with your writing. Maybe writing in your journal first thing in the morning works for you. Maybe you prefer to do it at lunch, or right before bed. Find a time that works for you & stick with it.
4. Take the pressure off of what you’re grateful for. Not every day is going to be full of job promotions, lottery wins, & spa vacations. Part of writing in a gratitude journal is learning to be grateful for the little things in life. So, if it’s a sunny day, being grateful for sunshine is just as valid as winning a new car!
5. Find a method that works for you. I’ll admit it: I’m biased towards keeping an old-school, paper journal. But you can absolutely maintain a journal on your computer, & there is even an app you can download to keep one on your phone! Do whatever works for you!
So, in the comments below, tell me: “Today, I am grateful for ___________.”
A gratitude journal is a great way to spend your time during your daily practice. Want to learn more about starting a daily practice? Check out my free e-Course!