How to Rebuild After a Break Up
Have you recently walked away from a long-term relationship?
Have you recently walked away from a long-term relationship?
Is lack of motivation keeping you stuck in life? This is something I hear quite often from clients.
If you’re feeling stuck and don’t know how to get back on track, you’re not alone. Whether you want to overcome something big or small, the emotions that arise are usually the same: Fear, confusion, frustration, and self-doubt.
Read More »When You Feel Stuck And Don’t Know Where To Begin
This post isn’t an analysis of how being alone is different than feeling lonely. I trust you’re smart enough to know the difference. It’s a post to encourage you to take a step back and assess your beliefs about being alone.
I often get asked some variation of the following question:
“My partner’s done nothing to violate my trust, yet for some reason I feel insecure in the relationship. How do I overcome this insecurity?”