Victoria Gigante

What is a Global Career Development Facilitator (GCDF)?

The title “Career Development Facilitator” (CDF) is far from mainstream; most people working in the career development field are using the term “Career Coach.”

At this point in time, it appears that these two credentials are being used interchangeably.

To be honest, even I get confused attempting to unravel this “credential” battle.

Making things even more complicated is the fact that there seems to be little to no standardization about what any of these “career people” will do for their clients.

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What If I Told You Procrastination Is A Good Thing?



Doesn’t just hearing that word make you cringe? Why is that?

Well, because of all the other stuff we’ve been trained to associate procrastination with.

We’re told that people who procrastinate are lazy, careless, & inefficient (to name a few).

When we’re labeled a “procrastinator,” we’re trained to feel like there’s something wrong with us.

And the worst part is that we believe it.

But did you know that procrastination can actually be a good thing; that it’s merely a symptom, & not really a problem at all?

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